We acknowledge with gratitude…
The journey of Wilding Women who have joined the conversations, written stories, held safe space, given generously time, expertise, skill and loving challenge
Our partners, families, intimate friends who have supported our being part of this circle
The Teachers and Guides who have been with us on our journeys
Ancestors – strong women from the past, feminists, thinkers and do-ers, activists
Our own ancestors – strong women from our own past
Special Thanks
As wilding women, we deeply acknowledge the full-hearted support and love from our partners and from the many different supporters on our life’s journey.
We appreciate the wilding stories’ writers, and their openness and willingness to be vulnerable that makes each story so powerful.
We are grateful to and appreciative of the women who have stepped forward to help on this journey – to Tania for holding the conversational spaces, Alison and Alison for writing the website, Cat for building this amazing and beautiful site, Karen for the wolf women logo, Mary for her behind the scenes support, Wanda, who has made it possible for Cat to build this website, and the many others who have helped.
To WindEagle, Holder, with RainbowHawk, of the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge, Wise Woman and beloved Teacher. Ehama Institute
Stirring the Wilding Waters by Alison Williams