What is Wilding?

Wilding is the moment when any woman sees her life, her situation, her truth, clearly and without filters. This seeing can never be unseen.

Writing about this moment and sharing the wilding stories is at the heart of wilding women.


A Community of Women

Wilding is our incredible online encounter. We are of different ages, origins, languages and cultures, and most of us have only met online. We come from across time zones. With all these differences, we have found our ways of thinking coming together in our desire to co-create our community.

We meet online for generous conversations, exploring our own wilding, how it shows in day-to-day life. How it makes a difference.

 “We are all the same. We are not alone.  We are all extremely creative and powerful. We have the ability to heal and find peace in the chaos we are born into.”

— Leah


Mapping our vision for Wilding Women

Beginning from a single central circle, our vision is of many circles growing across the world, across the time zones. Each star on the map is a wilding story written by the wilding women of each circle. Each story becomes another woman’s survival guide, shared with each other, and shared with others across the Earth.

The map celebrates wilding women - our history, our purpose, our principles, our practice. It celebrates the joy, the fun, the sense of belonging, the sense of coming home, of growing into the best of ourselves; of feeling ALIVE!